Sync Technologies, Inc.  License Agreements Summary of the Dos and Don’ts:

You can:

  • Use all media and content for commercial and noncommercial use.
  • You don’t need permission to use Sync Technologies, Inc. media and content. Attribution is always appreciated!
  • Download media, content, and designs made by the User within Sync Technologies, Inc.
  • Modify media and content, altering and editing it any way you like (as long as editing and modifications don’t breach the terms of this Agreement).
  • Sync Technologies, Inc. can’t guarantee that the media and content have the appropriate releases for commercial uses. Please check the image source if a media or content has an identifiable person, brand, logo, or place.

You can’t:

  • Portray people, brands, or places that may be identifiable in media and/or content in a bad light or in a way that is offensive.
  • Sell or in any way commercialize media and/or content unaltered (without any significant modification)
  • Because a trademark is a unique symbol used exclusively by a brand/brand owner, Users can’t use any of the media and/or content within Sync Technologies, Inc. as part of a trademark, design-mark, trade-name, business name, or service mark, whether registered or not. Remember that if you use media and/or content in branded materials, including logos, you don’t have and can’t claim any exclusive rights. That means that other users are free to use the same media and/or content as you.

This license agreement governs the terms by which Sync Technologies, Inc. users obtain the right to use Sync Technologies, Inc.’s content. Every user who creates, publish, export, and uses in any way a design containing any of the content and assets offered by Sync Technologies, Inc. agree to be bound by the terms of the present License Agreement Sync Technologies, Inc.’s Privacy Policy, and Sync Technologies, Inc.’s Terms Of Use of Use which are incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference.

Sync Technologies, Inc. reserves the right to change the terms of this Agreement at any time, and the user is to be bound by such changes.

Failure to comply with the terms herein could result in legal proceedings and the immediate termination of your account.

  1. Basics and Disclaimers
  2. All media (including, but not limited to, photos, images, videos, GIFs, and audio), content (including, but not limited to, shapes, gradients, icons, illustrations, fonts, templates, and written content generated by AI), assets, and every part of every element offered by Sync Technologies, Inc. is protected by the United States and international copyright laws and treaties.
  3. Sync Technologies, Inc. and its contributors reserve all rights, interests, and titles, including the copyrights of all content, including any and all rights not explicitly given to the User under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, all copyright and intellectual property rights.
  4. Sync Technologies, Inc. reserves the right to modify, cancel, or in any way change or replace the licenses granted by this Agreement, as well as the right to replace all content at any moment.
  5. Sync Technologies, Inc. does not warrant the accuracy of any metadata or information such as categories, captions, title, and keywords provided with the media and/or content.
  6. Some jurisdictions provide legal protection against a person’s image, likeness, or property being used for commercial purposes when they have not provided a release. Since releases are customarily not obtained for free media and/or content, Sync Technologies, Inc. reserves the right to not grant any right nor make any warranty for the use of names, people, trademarks, trade dress, logos, registered designs, or works of art or architecture depicted within Sync Technologies, Inc. The User is solely responsible for determining whether a release is required for any proposed use of media and/or content and obtaining any such release.
  7. Free Media License
  8. Sync Technologies, Inc. offers free media for Users to include in their designs. All media (photos, videos, GIFs) are made available by third parties (“Source”) to be used by Sync Technologies, Inc. Users. All media’s license is dictated by their Source’s licenses. All other media within Sync Technologies, Inc. available to the Users (free images, video, and music files) are covered by this license.
  9. If any free media (photos, images, GIFs, and videos) is being provided by a third party such as PixabayPexelsUnsplashShopifyGoogle DriveStoryblocks, and Giphy, please refer to their license agreements.
  10. Allowed Uses and Restrictions
  11. Sync Technologies, Inc. content and free media are available for commercial and noncommercial uses, except for content and/or media that contain an identifiable logo or trademark, person, or place, which may or may not have applicable releases for commercial uses. Sync Technologies, Inc. reserves the right not to guarantee that free images, music, video, or photos within Sync Technologies, Inc. have the appropriate releases for commercial uses.
  12. Users are solely responsible for any disputes that may arise or result from the inappropriate or non-compliant use of any of the media and/or content within Sync Technologies, Inc.
  13. Users may transfer a design made within Sync Technologies, Inc. and containing media and/or content to a client for their client’s own use, as long as it’s stipulated between User and their clients that the terms of this Agreement are applicable and any use of the design must be in accordance and subject to the terms here presented. In such case, the User is and remains solely responsible and liable for their client’s compliance with the terms of this Agreement.
  14. Sync Technologies, Inc. and its contributors reserve all rights, interests, and title, including the copyrights of all content, including any and all right not explicitly given to the User under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, all copyright and intellectual property rights.


Users may not edit and/or modify any content or media in any way that identifiable people are portrayed in any way that can be seen as offensive or humiliating or that in any and every way presents an attack on their selves.


Users may not commercialize and/or sell unaltered/unedited content and/or media within Sync Technologies, Inc..


Users may not use any of the content and/media within Sync Technologies, Inc. to imply endorsement of any services or products or commercial goods by identifiable people, brands, or places that may appear and be identifiable on photos, images, videos, and/or media.


Users may not use any of the media and/or content within Sync Technologies, Inc. as part of a trademark, design-mark, trade-name, business name, or service mark, whether registered or not. Any use of Sync Technologies, Inc.’s content and/or media in any branded materials (including logos), Sync Technologies, Inc. reserves the right to keep offering the content and/or media to users, at Sync Technologies, Inc.’s discretion, as well as allows Users to use the same content and/or media, without any exclusive rights over the content and/or media wrongfully used as part of a trademark, design-mark, trade-name, business name, or service mark, whether registered or not.


Users may not remove any notice of copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights from any place where it is on or embedded in the media or content.


Users may not use media and/or content in a fashion that is considered by Sync Technologies, Inc. or under applicable law to be pornographic, obscene, immoral, infringing, defamatory, or libelous in nature, or that would be reasonably likely to bring any person or property reflected in any media into disrepute.


Users may not use any media and/or content in a way that people, brands, or places within those media and/or content are depicted in a way that may be considered offensive, defamatory, or contain otherwise unlawful, offensive, or immoral content, or that depicts the person, brand, or place in a bad light.


Users may not use media and/or content within Sync Technologies, Inc. in any manner or way that competes directly or indirectly with Sync Technologies, Inc.’s business.


Users may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble any part of such source code to the extent that source code is embedded or contained within any media and/or content from Sync Technologies, Inc..


Users may not use any content and/or media from Sync Technologies, Inc. for editorial purposes and audio and video productions without including credit adjacent to the media and/or content.

  1. Termination and Violation of this Agreement
  2. If a User breaks, violates, or abuses the terms of this Agreement in any way, Sync Technologies, Inc. reserves the right to terminate or suspend any account without previous notice.
  3. Users who have their accounts terminated for violating this Agreement or any abuse of a username or password will lose all rights to media and/or content, including designs made within Sync Technologies, Inc., and must immediately delete all content and designs acquired from Sync Technologies, Inc., and forfeit all eventual fees paid.
  4. Sync Technologies, Inc. reserves the right to terminate media and/or content licenses without advance notice if the User fails to comply with any of this Agreement’s terms. In such cases, the User must (a) cease using any media and/or content and any designs containing any media and/or content for any purpose; (b) destroy or delete all copies and archives of any media and/or content and any designs containing media and/or content or accompanying materials; and (c) if requested, confirm in writing that the User has complied with the aforementioned requirements.
  5. Users may terminate their license by destroying any content and/or design, along with any copies or archives of it or accompanying materials (if applicable), and no longer using Sync Technologies, Inc.’s media, content, and design for any purpose.
  6. Infringement Claims
  7. If an infringement claim of rights shall arise and if Sync Technologies, Inc. might be liable, the User, at their own expense, has to cease using any media, content, and/or design immediately after finding out from Sync Technologies, Inc. or somewhere else about the infringement claim, whether the claim is potential, threatened or actual.
  8. In the above case, the User shall immediately remove or delete any content, design, and media from their computer system and storage (physical and/or electronic) premises, as well as ensure that their clients follow the same rules. Users shall also let Sync Technologies, Inc. know about adopted measures as well as any infringement claims immediately after the Users are made aware and adopt any of the measures listed by emailing

The right to use any content and/or free stock media provided by Sync Technologies, Inc. is governed by the terms of this Agreement. Downloading any media and/or exporting any designs that contain free stock media means the user automatically agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.


Sync Technologies, Inc.